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色の名前 | よみかた | Code | RGB | |
土色 | つちいろ | #BC763C | 188,118,060 | |
黒茶 | くろちゃ | #583822 | 088,056,034 | |
黒梅 | くろうめ | #643219 | 100,050,025 | |
茶褐色 | ちゃかっしょく | #664032 | 102,064,050 | |
焦茶 | こげちゃ | #6F4B3E | 111,075,062 | |
赤銅色 | しゃくどういろ | #752100 | 117,033,000 | |
栗色 | くりいろ | #762F07 | 118,047,007 | |
褐色 | かっしょく | #8A3B00 | 138,059,000 | |
鳶色 | とびいろ | #95483F | 149,072,063 | |
茶色 | ちゃいろ | #965042 | 150,080,066 | |
海老赤 | えびあか | #AC2424 | 172,036,036 | |
茜色 | あかねいろ | #B7282E | 183,040,046 | |
臙脂 | えんじ | #b94047 | 185,064,071 | |
朱 | あけ | #BA2636 | 186,038,054 | |
炎色 | ほのういろ | #C44303 | 196,067,003 | |
深緋 | こきあけ | #C9171E | 201,023,030 | |
紅 | べに | #CF3525 | 207,053,037 | |
血色 | けっしょく | #D20A13 | 210,010,019 | |
火色 | ひいろ | #D3381C | 211,056,028 | |
紅 | くれない | #D7003A | 215,000,058 | |
紅絹 | もみ | #E83929 | 232,057,041 | |
金赤 | きんあか | #EA5506 | 234,085,006 | |
朱色 | しゅいろ | #EB6101 | 235,097,001 | |
黄赤 | きあか | #EC6800 | 236,104,000 | |
柿色 | かきいろ | #ED6D3D | 237,109,061 | |
橙色 | だいだいいろ | #EE7800 | 238,120,000 | |
卵黄色 | らんおうしょく | #F69E22 | 246,158,034 | |
金茶 | きんちゃ | #F39800 | 243,152,000 | |
山吹色 | やまぶきいろ | #F8B500 | 248,181,000 | |
黄金 | こがね | #E6B422 | 230,180,034 | |
支子色 | くちなし | #FBCA4D | 251,202,077 | |
黄色 | きいろ | #FFD900 | 255,217,000 | |
緑黄色 | りょくおうしょく | #DCCB18 | 220,203,024 | |
枯草色 | かれくさいろ | #E4DC8A | 228,220,138 | |
若緑 | わかみどり | #98D98E | 152,217,142 | |
苔色 | こけいろ | #69821B | 105,130,27 | |
草色 | くさいろ | #7B8D42 | 123,141,066 | |
鶯色 | うぐいすいろ | #928C36 | 146,140,054 | |
萌黄 | もえぎ | #AACF53 | 170,207,083 | |
黄緑 | きみどり | #B8D200 | 184,210,000 | |
若草色 | わかくさいろ | #C3D825 | 195,216,037 | |
若葉色 | わかばいろ | #B9D08B | 185,208,139 | |
若竹色 | わかたけいろ | #68BE8D | 104,190,141 | |
翡翠 | ひすい | #38B48B | 056,180,139 | |
青緑 | あおみどり | #00A497 | 000,164,151 | |
緑 | みどり | #3EB370 | 062,179,112 | |
新緑色 | しんりょくしょく | #339933 | 051,153,051 | |
緑青色 | ろくしょういろ | #47885E | 071,136,094 | |
鉄色 | てついろ | #005243 | 000,082,067 | |
深緑 | ふかみどり | #00552E | 000,085,046 | |
常盤色 | ときわいろ | #007B43 | 000,123,067 | |
萌葱色 | もえぎいろ | #006E54 | 000,110,084 | |
緑茶色 | りょくちゃいろ | #26610F | 038,097,015 | |
笹色 | ささいろ | #396122 | 057,097,034 | |
薄浅葱 | うすあさぎ | #69C2C7 | 105,194,199 | |
青竹色 | あおたけいろ | #7EBEAB | 126,190,171 | |
水色 | みずいろ | #BCE2E8 | 188,226,232 | |
空色 | そらいろ | #A0D8EF | 160,216,239 | |
勿忘草 | わすれなぐさ | #89C3EB | 137,195,235 | |
紺碧 | こんぺき | #0070BB | 000,123,187 | |
青 | あお | #0095D9 | 000,149,217 | |
花浅葱 | はなあさぎ | #2A83A2 | 042,131,162 | |
天色 | あまいろ | #2CA9E1 | 044,169,225 | |
露草色 | つゆくさいろ | #38A1DB | 056,161,219 | |
移色 | うつしいろ | #3D6EDA | 061,110,218 | |
杜若色 | かきつばたいろ | #3E62AD | 062,98,173 | |
群青色 | ぐんじょういろ | #4C6CB3 | 076,108,179 | |
薄花桜 | うすはなざくら | #5A79BA | 090,121,186 | |
瑠璃 | るりいろ | #1E50A2 | 030,080,162 | |
瑠璃紺 | るりこん | #19448E | 025,068,142 | |
紺青 | こんじょう | #192F60 | 025,047,096 | |
留紺 | とめこん | #1C305C | 028,048,092 | |
濃紺 | のうこん | #1F2F54 | 031,047,084 | |
紺瑠璃 | こんるり | #213380 | 033,051,128 | |
濃藍 | こいあい | #0F2350 | 015,035,080 | |
鉄紺 | てつこん | #17184B | 023,024,075 | |
紺色 | こんいろ | #223A70 | 034,058,112 | |
花色 | はないろ | #4D5AAF | 077,090,175 | |
桔梗色 | ききょういろ | #5654A2 | 086,084,162 | |
紅桔梗 | べにききょう | #4D4398 | 077,067,152 | |
花紫 | はなむらさき | #392680 | 057,038,128 | |
葡萄色 | ぶどういろ | #522F60 | 082,047,096 | |
桑の実色 | くわのみのいろ | #55295B | 085,041,091 | |
縁色 | ゆかりのいろ | #5D2369 | 093,035,105 | |
本紫 | ほんむらさき | #65318E | 101,049,142 | |
菖蒲色 | あやめいろ | #674196 | 103,065,150 | |
青紫 | あおむらさき | #674598 | 103,069,152 | |
菫色 | すみれいろ | #7058A3 | 112,088,163 | |
江戸紫 | えどむらさき | #745399 | 116,083,153 | |
紫 | むらさき | #884898 | 136,072,152 | |
葵色 | あおいいろ | #9A5FA9 | 154,095,169 | |
南京藤 | なんきんふじ | #A15DC4 | 161,093,196 | |
藤色 | ふじいろ | #BBBCDE | 187,188,222 |
No | Color | Code | No | Color | Code |
01 | white | #ffffff | 10 | green | #008000 |
02 | silver | #c0c0c0 | 11 | aqua | #00ffff |
03 | gray | #808080 | 12 | teal | #008080 |
04 | black | #000000 | 13 | blue | #0000ff |
05 | red | #ff0000 | 14 | navy | #000080 |
06 | maroon | #800000 | 15 | fuchsia | #ff00ff |
07 | yellow | #ffff00 | 16 | purple | #800080 |
08 | olive | #808000 | 17 | orange | #ffa500 |
09 | lime | #00ff00 |
Color Group.系統1
black & gray lineage
Color | Code | Color | Code | |
gainsboro | #dcdcdc | dimgray | #696969 | |
lightgray | #d3d3d3 | lightslategray | #778899 | |
silver | #c0c0c0 | slategray | #708090 | |
darkgray | #a9a9a9 | darkslategray | #2f4f4f | |
gray | #808080 | black | #000000 |
White colors lineage
Color | Code | Color | Code | |
white | #ffffff | beige | #f5f5dc | |
snow | #fffafa | oldlace | #fdf5e6 | |
honeydew | #f0fff0 | floralwhite | #fffaf0 | |
mintcream | #f5fffa | ivory | #fffff0 | |
azure | #f0ffff | antiquewhite | #faebd7 | |
aliceblue | #f0f8ff | linen | #faf0e6 | |
ghostwhite | #f8f8ff | lavenderblush | #fff0f5 | |
whitesmoke | #f5f5f5 | mistyrose | #ffe4e1 | |
seashell | #fff5ee |
Red colors lineage
Color | Code | Color | Code | |
indianred | #cd5c5c | crimson | #dc143c | |
lightcoral | #f08080 | red | #ff0000 | |
salmon | #fa8072 | firebrick | #b22222 | |
darksalmon | #e9967a | darkred | #8b0000 | |
lightsalmon | #ffa07a |
Pink colors lineage
Color | Code | Color | Code | |
pink | #ffc0cb | mediumvioletred | #c71585 | |
lightpink | #ffb6c1 | palevioletred | #db7093 | |
hotpink | #ff69b4 | lightsalmon | #ffa07a | |
deeppink | #ff1493 |
Orange colors lineage
Color | Code | Color | Code | |
coral | #ff7f50 | darkorange | #ff8c00 | |
tomato | #ff6347 | orange | #ffa500 | |
Orangered | #ff4500 |
Yellow colors lineage
Color | Code | Color | Code | |
gold | #ffd700 | moccasin | #ffe4b5 | |
yellow | #ffff00 | peachpuff | #ffdab9 | |
lightyellow | #ffffe0 | palegoldenrod | #eee8aa | |
lemonchiffon | #fffacd | khaki | #f0e68c | |
lightgoldenrod | #fafad2 | darkkhaki | #bdb76b | |
papayawhip | #ffefd5 |
Purple colors lineage
Color | Code | Color | Code | |
lavender | #e6e6fa | blueviolet | #8a2be2 | |
thistle | #d8bfd8 | darkviolet | #9400d3 | |
plum | #dda0dd | darkorchid | #9932cc | |
violet | #ee82ee | darkmagenta | #8b008b | |
orchid | #da70d6 | purple | #800080 | |
fuchsia | #ff00ff | indigo | #4b0082 | |
magenta | #ff00ff | slateblue | #6a5acd | |
medium orchid | #ba55d3 | dark slateblue | #483d8b | |
medium purple | #9370db | medium slateblue | #7b68ee | |
rebecca purple | #663399 |
Green colors lineage
Color | Code | Color | Code | |
greenyellow | #adff2f | green | #008000 | |
chartreuse | #7fff00 | darkgreen | #006400 | |
lawngreen | #7cfc00 | yellowgreen | #9acd32 | |
Lime | #00ff00 | Olivedrab | #6b8e23 | |
Limegreen | #32cd32 | Olive | #808000 | |
Palegreen | #98fb98 | Darkolivegreen | #556b2f | |
Lightgreen | #90ee90 | Medium | #66cdaa | |
Medium | #00fa9a | Darksea | #8fbc8b | |
Springgreen | #00ff7f | Lightseagreen | #20b2aa | |
Mediumsea | #3cb371 | Darkcyan | #008b8b | |
Seagreen | #2e8b57 | Teal | #008080 | |
Forestgreen | #228b22 |
Blue colors lineage
Color | Code | Color | Code | |
Aqua | #00ffff | Skyblue | #87ceeb | |
Cyan | #00ffff | Lightskyblue | #87cefa | |
Lightcyan | #e0ffff | Deepskyblue | #00bfff | |
Paleturquoise | #afeeee | Dodgerblue | #1e90ff | |
Aquamarine | #7fffd4 | Cornflower blue | #6495ed | |
Turquoise | #40e0d0 | Medium slateblue | #7b68ee | |
Medium | #48d1cc | Royalblue | #4169e1 | |
Dark | #00ced1 | Blue | #0000ff | |
Cadetblue | #5f9ea0 | Medium blue | #0000cd | |
Steelblue | #4682b4 | Darkblue | #00008b | |
Lightsteel |
#b0c4de | Navy | #000080 | |
Powder |
#b0e0e6 | Midnight blue |
#191970 | |
Light |
#add8e6 | Navy blue |
#1F2F54 |
Brown colors lineage
Color | Code | Color | Code | |
Cornsilk | #fff8dc | Goldenrod | #daa520 | |
Blanche | #ffebcd | Darkgoldenrod | #b8860b | |
Bisque | #ffe4c4 | Peru | #cd853f | |
Navajowhite | #ffdead | Chocolate | #d2691e | |
Wheat | #f5deb3 | Saddlebrown | #8b4513 | |
Burlywood | #deb887 | Sienna | #a0522d | |
Tan | #d2b48c | Brown | #a52a2a | |
Rosybrown | #bc8f8f | Maroon | #800000 | |
Sandybrown | #f4a460 |
Web-Safe colors lineage RGB
Color Code |
RGB | Color Code |
RGB | |
#ffffff | 255 255 255 | #66ffff | 102 255 255 | |
#ffffcc | 255 255 204 | #66ffcc | 102 255 204 | |
#ffff99 | 255 255 153 | #66ff99 | 102 255 153 | |
#ffff66 | 255 255 102 | #66ff66 | 102 255 102 | |
#ffff33 | 255 255 51 | #66ff33 | 102 255 51 | |
#ffff00 | 255 255 000 | #66ff00 | 102 255 00 | |
#ffccff | 255 204 255 | #66ccff | 102 204 255 | |
#ffcccc | 255 204 204 | #66cccc | 102 204 204 | |
#ffcc99 | 255 204 153 | #66cc99 | 102 204 153 | |
#ffcc66 | 255 204 102 | #66cc66 | 102 204 102 | |
#ffcc33 | 255 204 51 | #66cc33 | 102 204 51 | |
#ffcc00 | 255 204 00 | #66cc00 | 102 204 00 | |
#ff99ff | 255 153 255 | #6699ff | 102 153 255 | |
#ff99cc | 255 153 204 | #6699cc | 102 153 204 | |
#ff9999 | 255 153 153 | #669999 | 102 153 153 | |
#ff9966 | 255 153 102 | #669966 | 102 153 102 | |
#ff9933 | 255 153 51 | #669933 | 102 153 51 | |
#ff9900 | 255 153 00 | #669900 | 102 153 00 | |
#ff66ff | 255 102 255 | #6666ff | 102 102 255 | |
#ff66cc | 255 102 204 | #6666cc | 102 102 204 | |
#ff6699 | 255 102 153 | #666699 | 102 102 153 | |
#ff6666 | 255 102 102 | #666666 | 102 102 102 | |
#ff6633 | 255 102 51 | #666633 | 102 102 51 | |
#ff6600 | 255 102 00 | #666600 | 102 102 00 | |
#ff33ff | 255 51 255 | #6633ff | 102 51 255 | |
#ff33cc | 255 51 204 | #6633cc | 102 51 204 | |
#ff3399 | 255 51 153 | #663399 | 102 51 153 | |
#ff3366 | 255 51 102 | #663366 | 102 51 102 | |
#ff3333 | 255 51 51 | #663333 | 102 51 51 | |
#ff3300 | 255 51 00 | #663300 | 102 51 00 | |
#ff00ff | 255 00 255 | #6600ff | 102 00 255 | |
#ff00cc | 255 00 204 | #6600cc | 102 00 204 | |
#ff0099 | 255 00 153 | #660099 | 102 00 153 | |
#ff0066 | 255 00 102 | #660066 | 102 00 102 | |
#ff0033 | 255 00 51 | #660033 | 102 00 51 | |
#ff0000 | 255 00 00 | #660000 | 102 00 00 | |
#ccffff | 204 255 255 | #33ffff | 51 255 255 | |
#ccffcc | 204 255 204 | #33ffcc | 51 255 204 | |
#ccff99 | 204 255 153 | #33ff99 | 51 255 153 | |
#ccff66 | 204 255 102 | #33ff66 | 51 255 102 | |
#ccff33 | 204 255 51 | #33ff33 | 51 255 51 | |
#ccff00 | 204 255 00 | #33ff00 | 51 255 00 | |
#ccccff | 204 204 255 | #33ccff | 51 204 255 | |
#cccccc | 204 204 204 | #33cccc | 51 204 204 | |
#cccc99 | 204 204 153 | #33cc99 | 51 204 153 | |
#cccc66 | 204 204 102 | #33cc66 | 51 204 102 | |
#cccc33 | 204 204 51 | #33cc33 | 51 204 51 | |
#cccc00 | 204 204 00 | #33cc00 | 51 204 00 | |
#cc99ff | 204 153 255 | #3399ff | 51 153 255 | |
#cc99cc | 204 153 204 | #3399cc | 51 153 204 | |
#cc9999 | 204 153 153 | #339999 | 51 153 153 | |
#cc9966 | 204 153 102 | #339966 | 51 153 102 | |
#cc9933 | 204 153 51 | #339933 | 51 153 51 | |
#cc9900 | 204 153 00 | #339900 | 51 153 00 | |
#cc66ff | 204 102 255 | #3366ff | 51 102 255 | |
#cc66cc | 204 102 204 | #3366cc | 51 102 204 | |
#cc6699 | 204 102 153 | #336699 | 51 102 153 | |
#cc6666 | 204 102 102 | #336666 | 51 102 102 | |
#cc6633 | 204 102 51 | #336633 | 51 102 51 | |
#cc6600 | 204 102 00 | #336600 | 51 102 00 | |
#cc33ff | 204 51 255 | #3333ff | 51 51 255 | |
#cc33cc | 204 51 204 | #3333cc | 51 51 204 | |
#cc3399 | 204 51 153 | #333399 | 51 51 153 | |
#cc3366 | 204 51 102 | #333366 | 51 51 102 | |
#cc3333 | 204 51 51 | #333333 | 51 51 51 | |
#cc3300 | 204 51 00 | #333300 | 51 51 00 | |
#cc00ff | 204 00 255 | #3300ff | 51 00 255 | |
#cc00cc | 204 00 204 | #3300cc | 51 00 204 | |
#cc0099 | 204 00 153 | #330099 | 51 00 153 | |
#cc0066 | 204 00 102 | #330066 | 51 00 102 | |
#cc0033 | 204 00 51 | #330033 | 51 00 51 | |
#cc0000 | 204 00 00 | #330000 | 51 00 00 | |
#99ffff | 153 255 255 | #00ffff | 00 255 255 | |
#99ffcc | 153 255 204 | #00ffcc | 00 255 204 | |
#99ff99 | 153 255 153 | #00ff99 | 00 255 153 | |
#99ff66 | 153 255 102 | #00ff66 | 00 255 102 | |
#99ff33 | 153 255 51 | #00ff33 | 00 255 51 | |
#99ff00 | 153 255 00 | #00ff00 | 00 255 00 | |
#99ccff | 153 204 255 | #00ccff | 00 204 255 | |
#99cccc | 153 204 204 | #00cccc | 00 204 204 | |
#99cc99 | 153 204 153 | #00cc99 | 00 204 153 | |
#99cc66 | 153 204 102 | #00cc66 | 00 204 102 | |
#99cc33 | 153 204 51 | #00cc33 | 00 204 51 | |
#99cc00 | 153 204 00 | #00cc00 | 00 204 00 | |
#9999ff | 153 153 255 | #0099ff | 00 153 255 | |
#9999cc | 153 153 204 | #0099cc | 00 153 204 | |
#999999 | 153 153 153 | #009999 | 00 153 153 | |
#999966 | 153 153 102 | #009966 | 00 153 102 | |
#999933 | 153 153 51 | #009933 | 00 153 51 | |
#999900 | 153 153 00 | #009900 | 00 153 00 | |
#9966ff | 153 102 255 | #0066ff | 00 102 255 | |
#9966cc | 153 102 204 | #0066cc | 00 102 204 | |
#996699 | 153 102 153 | #006699 | 00 102 153 | |
#996666 | 153 102 102 | #006666 | 00 102 102 | |
#996633 | 153 102 51 | #006633 | 00 102 51 | |
#996600 | 153 102 00 | #006600 | 00 102 00 | |
#9933ff | 153 51 255 | #0033ff | 00 51 255 | |
#9933cc | 153 51 204 | #0033cc | 00 51 204 | |
#993399 | 153 51 153 | #003399 | 00 51 153 | |
#993366 | 153 51 102 | #003366 | 00 51 102 | |
#993333 | 153 51 51 | #003333 | 00 51 51 | |
#993300 | 153 51 00 | #003300 | 00 51 00 | |
#9900ff | 153 00 255 | #0000ff | 00 00 255 | |
#9900cc | 153 00 204 | #0000cc | 00 00 204 | |
#990099 | 153 00 153 | #000099 | 00 00 153 | |
#990066 | 153 00 102 | #000066 | 00 00 102 | |
#990033 | 153 00 51 | #000033 | 00 00 51 | |
#990000 | 153 00 00 | #000000 | 00 00 00 |
Color Group.系統2
# | Color | Name |
01 | ●ブラック ・グレー系 |
Black & Gray |
02 | ●ブルー系 | Blue colors |
03 | ●グリーン系 | Green colors |
04 | ●イエロー ・ブラウン系 |
Yellow & Brown |
05 | オレンジ ・レッド系 |
Orange & Red |
06 | ●ピンク ・パープル系 |
Pink & Purple |
Black-Gray Colors lineage
Color | Code | Color | Code | |
Black | #000000 | Ash Gray | #666362 | |
Night | #0C090A | Cloudy Gray | #6D6968 | |
Gunmetal | #2C3539 | Smokey Gray | #726E6D | |
Midnight | #2B1B17 | Gray | #736F6E | |
Charcoal | #34282C | Granite | #837E7C | |
Dark Slate Grey | #25383C | Battleship Gray | #848482 | |
Oil | #3B3131 | Gray Cloud | #B6B6B4 | |
Black Cat | #413839 | Gray Goose | #D1D0CE | |
Iridium | #3D3C3A | Platinum | #E5E4E2 | |
Black Eel | #463E3F | Metallic Silver | #BCC6CC | |
Black Cow | #4C4646 | Blue Gray | #98AFC7 | |
Gray Wolf | #504A4B | Light Slate Gray | #6D7B8D | |
Vampire Gray | #565051 | Slate Gray | #657383 | |
Gray Dolphin | #5C5858 | Jet Gray | #616D7E | |
Carbon Gray | #625D5D | Carbon Gray | #625D5D |
Blue colors lineage
Color | Code | Color | Code | |
Mist Blue | #646D7E | Crystal Blue | #5CB3FF | |
Marble Blue | #566D7E | Deep Sky Blue | #3BB9FF | |
Slate Blue | #737CA1 | Denim Blue | #79BAEC | |
Steel Blue | #4863A0 | Light Sky Blue | #82CAFA | |
Blue Jay | #2B547E | Day Sky Blue | #82CAFF | |
Dark Slate Blue | #2B3856 | Jeans Blue | #A0CFEC | |
Midnight Blue | #151B54 | Blue Angel | #B7CEEC | |
Navy (Blue) | #000080 | Pastel Blue | #B4CFEC | |
Blue Whale | #342D7E | Sea Blue | #C2DFFF | |
Lapis Blue | #15317E | Powder Blue | #C6DEFF | |
Denim Dark Blue | #151B8D | Coral Blue | #AFDCEC | |
Earth Blue | #0000A0 | Light Blue | #ADDFFF | |
Cobalt Blue | #0020C2 | Robin Egg Blue | #BDEDFF | |
Blueberry Blue | #0041C2 | Pale Blue Lily | #CFECEC | |
Sapphire Blue | #2554C7 | Light Cyan | #E0FFFF | |
Blue Eyes | #1569C7 | Water | #EBF4FA | |
Royal Blue | #2B60DE | AliceBlue | #F0F8FF | |
Blue Orchid | #1F45FC | Azure | #F0FFFF | |
Blue Lotus | #6960EC | Light Slate | #CCFFFF | |
Light Slate Blue | #736AFF | Light Aquamarine | #93FFE8 | |
Windows Blue | #357EC7 | Electric Blue | #9AFEFF | |
Glacial Blue Ice | #368BC1 | Aquamarine | #7FFFD4 | |
Silk Blue | #488AC7 | Cyan or Aqua | #00FFFF | |
Blue Ivy | #3090C7 | Tron Blue | #7DFDFE | |
Blue Koi | #659EC7 | Blue Zircon | #57FEFF | |
Columbia Blue | #87AFC7 | Blue Lagoon | #8EEBEC | |
Baby Blue | #95B9C7 | Celeste | #50EBEC | |
Light Steel Blue | #728FCE | Blue Diamond | #4EE2EC | |
Ocean Blue | #2B65EC | Tiffany Blue | #81D8D0 | |
Blue Ribbon | #306EFF | Cyan Opaque | #92C7C7 | |
Blue Dress | #157DEC | Blue Hosta | #77BFC7 | |
Dodger Blue | #1589FF | Northern Lights Blue | #78C7C7 | |
Cornflower Blue | #6495ED | Medium Turquoise | #48CCCD | |
Sky Blue | #6698FF | Turquoise | #43C6DB | |
Butterfly Blue | #38ACEC | Jellyfish | #46C7C7 | |
Iceberg | #56A5EC |
Green Colors lineage
Color | Code | Color | Code | |
Blue green | #7BCCB5 | Green Apple | #4CC417 | |
Macaw Blue Green | #43BFC7 | Yellow Green | #52D017 | |
Light Sea Green | #3EA99F | Kelly Green | #4CC552 | |
Dark Turquoise | #3B9C9C | Zombie Green | #54C571 | |
Sea Turtle Green | #438D80 | Frog Green | #99C68E | |
Medium Aquamarine | #348781 | Green Peas | #89C35C | |
Greenish Blue | #307D7E | Dollar Bill Green | #85BB65 | |
Grayish Turquoise | #5E7D7E | Dark Sea Green | #8BB381 | |
Beetle Green | #4C787E | Iguana Green | #9CB071 | |
Teal | #008080 | Avocado Green | #B2C248 | |
Sea Green | #4E8975 | Pistachio Green | #9DC209 | |
Camouflage Green | #78866B | Salad Green | #A1C935 | |
Sage Green | #848b79 | Hummingbird Green | #7FE817 | |
Hazel Green | #617C58 | Nebula Green | #59E817 | |
Venom Green | #728C00 | Stoplight Go Green | #57E964 | |
Fern Green | #667C26 | Algae Green | #64E986 | |
Dark Forest Green | #254117 | Jade Green | #5EFB6E | |
Medium Sea Green | #306754 | Green | #00FF00 | |
Medium Forest Green | #347235 | Emerald Green | #5FFB17 | |
Seaweed Green | #437C17 | Lawn Green | #87F717 | |
Pine Green | #387C44 | Chartreuse | #8AFB17 | |
Jungle Green | #347C2C | Dragon Green | #6AFB92 | |
Shamrock Green | #347C17 | Mint green | #98FF98 | |
Medium Spring Green | #348017 | Green Thumb | #B5EAAA | |
Forest Green | #4E9258 | Light Jade | #C3FDB8 | |
Green Onion | #6AA121 | Tea Green | #CCFB5D | |
Spring Green | #4AA02C | Green Yellow | #B1FB17 | |
Lime Green | #41A317 | Slime Green | #BCE954 | |
Clover Green | #3EA055 | Goldenrod | #EDDA74 | |
Green Snake | #6CBB3C | Harvest Gold | #EDE275 | |
Alien Green | #6CC417 |
Yellow-Brown Colors lineage
Color | Code | Color | Code | |
Sun Yellow | #FFE87C | School Bus Yellow | #E8A317 | |
Yellow | #FFFF00 | Sandy Brown | #EE9A4D | |
Corn Yellow | #FFF380 | Fall Leaf Brown | #C8B560 | |
Parch | #FFFFC2 | Orange Gold | #D4A017 | |
Cream | #FFFFCC | Sand | #C2B280 | |
Lemon Chiffon | #FFF8C6 | Cookie Brown | #C7A317 | |
Cornsilk | #FFF8DC | Caramel | #C68E17 | |
Beige | #F5F5DC | Brass | #B5A642 | |
Blonde | #FBF6D9 | Khaki | #ADA96E | |
Antique | #FAEBD7 | Camel brown | #C19A6B | |
Cham | #F7E7CE | Bronze | #CD7F32 | |
Blanched | #FFEBCD | Tiger Orange | #C88141 | |
Vanilla | #F3E5AB | Cinnamon | #C58917 | |
Tan Brown | #ECE5B6 | Bullet Shell | #AF9B60 | |
Peach | #FFE5B4 | Dark Goldenrod | #AF7817 | |
Mustard | #FFDB58 | Copper | #B87333 | |
Rubber Ducky Yellow | #FFD801 | Wood | #966F33 | |
Bright Gold | #FDD017 | Oak Brown | #806517 | |
Golden brown | #EAC117 | Moccasin | #827839 | |
Macaroni and Cheese | #F2BB66 | Army Brown | #827B60 | |
Saffron | #FBB917 | Sandstone | #786D5F | |
Beer | #FBB117 | Mocha | #493D26 | |
Cantaloupe | #FFA62F | Taupe | #483C32 | |
Bee Yellow | #E9AB17 | Coffee | #6F4E37 | |
Brown Sugar | #E2A76F | Brown Bear | #835C3B | |
BurlyWood | #DEB887 | Red Dirt | #7F5217 | |
Deep Peach | #FFCBA4 | Sepia | #7F462C | |
Ginger Brown | #C9BE62 |
Orange-Red Colors lineage
Color | Code | Color | Code | |
Orange Salmon | #C47451 | Lava Red | #E42217 | |
Rust | #C36241 | Love Red | #E41B17 | |
Red Fox | #C35817 | Grapefruit | #DC381F | |
Chocolate | #C85A17 | Chestnut Red | #C34A2C | |
Sedona | #CC6600 | Cherry Red | #C24641 | |
Papaya Orange | #E56717 | Mahogany | #C04000 | |
Halloween Orange | #E66C2C | Chilli Pepper | #C11B17 | |
Pumpkin Orange | #F87217 | Cranberry | #9F000F | |
Construction Cone Orange | #F87431 | Red Wine | #990012 | |
Sunrise Orange | #E67451 | Burgundy | #8C001A | |
Mango Orange | #FF8040 | Chestnut | #954535 | |
Dark Orange | #F88017 | Blood Red | #7E3517 | |
Coral | #FF7F50 | Sienna | #8A4117 | |
Basket Ball Orange | #F88158 | Sangria | #7E3817 | |
Light Salmon | #F9966B | Firebrick | #800517 | |
Tangerine | #E78A61 | Maroon | #810541 | |
Dark Salmon | #E18B6B | Plum Pie | #7D0541 | |
Light Coral | #E77471 | Velvet Maroon | #7E354D | |
Bean Red | #F75D59 | Plum Velvet | #7D0552 | |
Valentine Red | #E55451 | Rosy Finch | #7F4E52 | |
Shocking Orange | #E55B3C | Puce | #7F5A58 | |
Red | #FF0000 | Dull Purple | #7F525D | |
Scarlet | #FF2400 | Rosy Brown | #B38481 | |
Ruby Red | #F62217 | Khaki Rose | #C5908E | |
Ferrari Red | #F70D1A | Pink Bow | #C48189 | |
Fire Engine Red | #F62817 |
Pink-Purple Colors lineage
Color | Code | Color | Code | |
Lipstick Pink | #C48793 | Purple Monster | #461B7E | |
Rose | #E8ADAA | Purple Haze | #4E387E | |
Rose Gold | #ECC5C0 | Egg plant | #614051 | |
Desert Sand | #EDC9AF | Grape | #5E5A80 | |
Pig Pink | #FDD7E4 | Purple Jam | #6A287E | |
Cotton Candy | #FCDFFF | Dark Orchid | #7D1B7E | |
Pink Bubble | #FFDFDD | Purple Flower | #A74AC7 | |
Misty Rose | #FBBBB9 | Medium Orchid | #B048B5 | |
Pink | #FAAFBE | Purple Ame thyst | #6C2DC7 | |
Light Pink | #FAAFBA | Dark Violet | #842DCE | |
Flamingo Pink | #F9A7B0 | Violet | #8D38C9 | |
Pink Rose | #E7A1B0 | Purple Sage Bush | #7A5DC7 | |
Pink Daisy | #E799A3 | Lovely Purple | #7F38EC | |
Cadillac Pink | #E38AAE | Purple | #8E35EF | |
Carnation Pink | #F778A1 | Aztech Purple | #893BFF | |
Blush Red | #E56E94 | Medium Purple | #8467D7 | |
Hot Pink | #F660AB | Jasmine Purple | #A23BEC | |
Water melon Pink | #FC6C85 | Purple Daffodil | #B041FF | |
Violet Red | #F6358A | Tyrian Purple | #C45AEC | |
Deep Pink | #F52887 | Crocus Purple | #9172EC | |
Pink Cupcake | #E45E9D | Purple Mimosa | #9E7BFF | |
Pink Lemonade | #E4287C | Heliot rope Purple | #D462FF | |
Neon Pink | #F535AA | Crimson | #E238EC | |
Magenta | #FF00FF | Purple Dragon | #C38EC7 | |
Dimorphotheca Magenta | #E3319D | Lilac | #C8A2C8 | |
Bright Neon Pink | #F433FF | Blush Pink | #E6A9EC | |
Pale Violet Red | #D16587 | Mauve | #E0B0FF | |
Tulip Pink | #C25A7C | Wisteria Purple | #C6AEC7 | |
Medium Violet Red | #CA226B | Blossom Pink | #F9B7FF | |
Rogue Pink | #C12869 | Thistle | #D2B9D3 | |
Burnt Pink | #C12267 | Periwinkle | #E9CFEC | |
Bashful Pink | #C25283 | Lavender Pinocchio | #EBDDE2 | |
Dark Carnation Pink | #C12283 | Lavender blue | #E3E4FA | |
Plum | #B93B8F | Pearl | #FDEEF4 | |
Viola Purple | #7E587E | SeaShell | #FFF5EE | |
Purple Iris | #571B7E | Milk White | #FEFCFF | |
Plum Purple | #583759 | White | #FFFFFF | |
Indigo | #4B0082 |